CJCJ News: CJCJ’s Cameo House gathers to celebrate families, California’s youth deserve justice reinvestment, and new Justice Policy Journal issue offers insights.
CJCJ News: Cameo House is a refuge for families amid the pandemic, CJCJ sponsors a bill to reinvest $100M+ in youth services, and CJCJ monitors conditions in California’s Division of Juvenile Justice.
CJCJ Report Warns of Second Major COVID-19 Outbreak in DJJ; Expanding our Juvenile Justice Services to Support Youth; Help Strengthen Families Impacted by Incarceration.
CJCJ report finds Prop 20 would fuel racial injustice, CJCJ team member leads community development, and CJCJ directors present at a reentry conference.
A dedicated CJCJ staff member, Silvanus “Van” Warren, supports Bay Area residents through his community-rooted organization.